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Omega Yeast OYL-042 Belgian Saison II

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Belgian Saison II

Product ID: OYL-042

Lab: Omega Yeast
Yeast Type: Ale
Availability: Year Round

Flocculation: Medium
Attenuation: 0.74 - 0.79
Temperature: 70 - 84
Alcohol Tolerance: 0.12

Thought to originate from a small, sophisticated, Belgian brewer’s spelt saison, Belgian Saison II is earthy, spicy, peppery, tart and dry, with tropical fruit and citrus at warm fermentation temperatures. It is a perfect strain for farmhouse ales and saisons. It favors pitching in the upper 60s or low 70s and being allowed free-rise from there.

White Labs Alternative: N/A
Wyeast Alternative: 3726
Carolina Yeast Alternative: N/A
Fermentis Alternative: N/A
Lallemond/Danstar Alternative: N/A