A sweet sugary, spongy almost chalky sweet temptation.
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This is a professional grade highly concentrated flavoring.
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17 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews
Nice for some texture and a little sweetening
I bought Marshmallow (FA) for a Rainbow Sherbet recipe that I have given up on. I reduced the Limetka Lime (INW), which is no longer available here, and then deleted it as I have never cared for lime anyway and that Lime was way too strong. I gave it to a friend, nearly all 4oz of it. There was also "Pomarańcza" Orange (INW) and Shisha Orange (INW) to alternate testing with, but oranges are hard to work with and, even though I love store-bought frozen Orange Sherbet, neither orange worked out for me in Orange Sherbet recipe conversion attempts, as I have never cared much for orange itself, either. So I am converting the recipe to a Raspberry Sherbet (which this is one of the ingredients in the original Rainbow Sherbet recipe), to which I have added Raspberry Sweet (TPA) to the recipe's original Malina Raspberry (INW) for more raspberry taste, and some other flavorings in the now 7 ingredient recipe, and it's almost perfected. This Marshmallow (FA) works well the ingredients I've added to give a little sweetness and texture, getting better as I reduce it over its mushiness a little at a time from trying too hard with it before finding other ingredients and with all of them together, I'm loving it so far. As you may know, it's always a balancing act, especially for be as I and No Mixologist! Increase this a little and reduce that a little, add this, cut that, until you get it just right for yourself. It's nearly there. 5 Stars from me. Thank you, BCF!
It is a well balanced flavor.
I shop with Bull City because they have a large supply of flavors I use.
Quality product
Spot on flavor
One of my favorites
This is still one of my favorite marshmallows for it's ability to smooth out a recipe. (take off sharp notes) It doesn't seem to mute as badly as TFA's version. I typically add it in a recipe at 0.50-1%
Really good flavor! Works well with alot of recipes
Excellent Mixer
This flavor is a great mixer with custard and other dessert flavors. I bought it as part of the Mama J's Game Over Custard recipe, which I'm so glad was finally released to the public.
Nice Sweetness
I add to just about anything I want to sweeten :)
taste great
Always use in my mixes. Adds a Nice sweetness to my recipes.
Versatile flavor. Must have for your toolbox. Add body and smoothness to your recipes starting now...