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Carbonation Tablets

CFA3 673,18
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Brewers Best Conditioning Tablets are a convenient way to add just the right amount of carbonation to your brew. These tablets contain dextrose and dried malt extract.

The number of tablets you use will determine the carbonation level of your beer - 3 tablets for low carbonation, 4 tablets for medium and 5 for high. Mix and match different carbonation levels in bottles from the same batch -- its your beer -- do what you want. Each package of 250 tablets will prime 5 to 6 gallons of beer (depending on number of tablets used per bottle.) Each tablet contains 545 mg of priming sugars.

Why Use Brewers Best Conditioning Tablets: Control your carbonation levels - No need for bottling bucket - No need for priming solution - Less siphoning - Easier and faster bottling - Reduced risk of infection - Reduced oxidation - Longer shelf-life.