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Ripe Peach Flavor-SSA

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Juicy, sweet peach with a hint of peel

Click here for our recommended usage guide for this flavor (Highlighted in Yellow).

This is a professional grade highly concentrated flavoring.

Note - We cannot accept returns or exchanges on flavoring

3 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews

  • 4
    Good Peach

    Posted by Nick on 2nd Jul 2023

    It's a good peach that leans more towards yellow. No need to push this very high and its's good to combine this with other peaches. Don't assume a flavor is bad just because your not fond of the smell.

  • 1

    Posted by Rachel on 22nd Aug 2022

    I couldn't even get past the smell. The smell is soo off putting that I definitely don't want to taste it.

  • 4
    One of the BETTER Yellow Peaches

    Posted by SessionDrummer on 13th Nov 2021

    **Ripe Peach (SSA) 1% (11-9-21)** -- Getting closer to the end of this, Series III in the Sobucky line, but we're NOT slowing down yet !!!! Peach, my old friend, how are you ? Ok, first things first, WAS this Peach Juicy ? Kinda. When I think of a "juicy peach" I really like how TPA did it, and although it's not a super peach, it is very juicy. This one had much less of the juicy, but what it DID have, MORE than made up for it. This, is a beautiful, yellow peach flavor that once you start, you will find hard to put down, even as a solo. @ 1% it felt almost perfect, below mid level sweet, and presented as very natural tasting. I almost hate to say that is has almost some "canned" peach elements in it, as that may conjure up images of sickly sweet, syrupy peaches, which this is not, but it has some elements of that, paired, with a nicely ripened yellow peach. While not overly "juicy" it was not dry, and there were no offputting notes to distract you from it's yellowy deliciousness. If you love peaches, and don't need a super juicy one, or a white one, this will most def. work for you. Just delicious. Is it "Ripe" ?? Sure it is !!!! It was very hard to find any negatives with this one, so leaving it fairly high @ **9.75/10**.